Emily Zuckerman grew up in the small town of New York City. From a young age, she developed a great passion for art as well as a desire to continually create things of great uniqueness and significance to share with the world. In her artistic process she is continually questioning and striving to take each piece farther than the last. For Emily, art is a tool for learning; a way of translating thoughts and perceptions of the world. Emily began her university studies in the field of Cognitive Science but although she was interested in the study of neural mechanisms of human perception, she found that art gave her more tangible tools with which to explore the human mind. She enjoys using art as a form of nonverbal conceptualization, as a method to communicate that personal vision which exists only within the mind's eye.
Conceptually, Emily's art explores human relation to the surrounding world. Her use of imaginative elements allows the paintings to convey a vision more complete than a photograph. Her paintings instill deep feelings of familiarity, while also invoking elements of the fantastical. Each painting or series exists in its own reality and with its own perspectival window into the human condition. Visually, Emily's paintings are thin sculptures of transparent paint, built in countless layers over an extended period of time. The resulting work gives illusions of great depth, texture and dimensionality, while keeping the painting surface lusciously smooth. Emily's art references both a visionary and magical realist style; her work is about exploring dimensions of the human state of being. |